
Blue Mountain Church


In an ever-changing world, we live into something solid, timeless, and unchanging.

In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, we practice the simple, beautiful, and often forgotten ways that lead to life.

We join with those who have come before us and find our life together in the rescue and way of Jesus.

We lean on the traditions of the Church, scripture, and the Holy Spirit to remember who and whose we are.

Together we seek the simple, distilled, God-centered practices that lead to renewed life, renewed community, and one day, a renewed world.

How to find us? Our Strong, United, and Centered-on-God community does not market, promote, or advertise.  We grow through one person telling another where they have found life.

If you would like to contact us, you can email either of our pastors at Nathan@BMCBlairsville.org or Carrie@BMCBlairsville.org.
